JULY 30 |

+13) / NUKU'ALOFA |
The first real test of our
light sensor's durability came last night with the arrival
of torrential downpours across the island. This also coincided
with complete loss of internet access only a few hours before
the exhibition opening in San Jose.
It's not clear whether the loss of signal is because of the
storms but as we are already tomorrow here, the exhibition
opening to public on Saturday means it is Sunday on Tonga,
and as we said on 23rd July, nothing happens on Sunday other
than churchgoing sleeping and eating |
For now though, it's still
Saturday (just) and we manage to talk to Tonfon, who provide
internet access in our area via microwave transmitters, and
they confirm that one of the transceivers up the tower that
relays signal to our village may be damaged.
Despite the imminent kick off of an important rugby match,
one of the Tonfon engineers (a man called Miranda) agrees
to climb up the tower in the dark and in the rain and access
is restored sometime after 11pm 29/07/06 GMT+13. |
The light sensor, which
is now foil wrapped to reduce accumulated heat in direct sunshine
has also endured the rain, so despite the last minute panic
we are back on track and extremely glad of it and of the generous
help our Tonfon contact Marc Santos gave us in restoring internet
access in time for Saturday in San Jose. Oh and thank you
Miranda! |
