8th. Today the system never went offline
and while I've not heard anything from Justin, I am
hopeful that the internet connectivity issues have
now been resolved. Right now quite... more> |
7th. Today was pretty quiet; we went offline
at 11:10 and 17:35 but Justin was out of the office
each time so I just power-cycled the router and it
came back up. I biked into town briefly at lunchtime...
more> |

6th. Hi Jon & Ali, Glad to hear from
you, and thanks for all the updates. All good. This
afternoon I went for a ride out past the tree of sleeping
bats to Oholei Beach on the East coast. So...the gallery's...
more> |
5th. hi guys, Hope the sleeping and eating
is doing you well. i've just been to church and enjoyed
immersion in that odd mix of cultures that it is.
The internet was up until i left at 9:45 am but...
more> |
4th. We cross the international dateline
in the characteristic haze of a night flight and have
reclaimed August 4th in the blinking of an eye...
more> |
4th. The first leg of our journey to California
is disrupted by fog in Aukland so we are diverted
to Wellington for six hours while we wait for the
skies to clear... more> |
3rd. We have spent the day, manually rebooting
our microwave receiver everytime the connection is
dropped and this has insured we have maintained a
good connection between the sensor... more> |
2nd. Is it up or is it down? Our 'improved'
network continues to keep dropping its connection
and no-one seems to know why! Our contact Marc has
been more than helpful here but we... more> |
1st. Our new 'improved' internet is teething.
When it's on, it is much better than before and will
really make the light panel in San Jose more responsive
to light changes in Tonga. Unfortunately for us...
more> |
31st. With the storms subsiding and the rain
thinning we decide it's time to take a day by the
sea. We head for Monotapu beach on what turns out
to be the windy west coast. Our taxi driver speaks
to us in ... more> |
30th. The first real test of our light sensor's
durability came last night with the arrival of torrential
downpours across the island. This also coincided with
complete loss of internet access only... more> |
29th. The active volcanic island of Tofua,
where the mutiny on the Bounty is said to have taken
place is a short flight from Nuku'alofa by sea-plane.
Everything seems to be broadcasting correctly... more> |
27th. Another day spent chatting with California
courtesy of a TCC phone card. We finally have a more
stable link established with the light box itself
and have placed the light sensor in... more> |
26th. We are having network problems and
so spend the day monitoring communications between
tomorrow and today. At around 7.20pm today in San
Jose (July 25th) we lose contact... more> |
25th. "Hi David, I managed to log on
remotely. It's taken about 8 mins to get this far
though. I will try and find a faster connection and
install software then. Great to make contact this
way though... more> |
24th. Life is slipping back to normal as
the official mourning of the lost royals comes to
an end. We spend the morning trying to find cable
to extend the range of our light sensor in relation
to... more> |
23rd. Sunday is a day of rest and only the
churches are open for business. Of course it's Saturday
in San Jose and so we press on with preliminary tests
on our light sensing device and also make... more> |
22nd. Things may be looking up. Our lost
bag has been traced and arrived on Tongatapu island
this morning. So with all our equipment with us again
we have begun running some tests. The light sensor...
more> |
21st. Day breaks with sub-tropical precision
at 7am. We are in the second of five days of mourning
here in tomorrow's kingdom. Not for our lost bag but
for the kings's cousin and wife killed in... more> |
20th. We have safely arrived in tomorrow
and The Kingdom of Tonga but with half our luggage
lost during transit in Los Angeles airport. A major
power cut in the vicinity knocked out airport... more> |
July 18th, British born artists Thomson &
Craighead set out from London to The Kingdom of Tonga
to set up a broadcast of daylight readings sent across
the International Dateline from tomorrow to today
more> |