Light from Tomorrow
is an artwork by British artists Thomson
& Craighead.
It centres on an expedition to The Kingdom of Tonga, where
tomorrow’s outdoor light-readings are broadcast in close
to real time through The International Dateline to today;
specifically to a lightbox installed in the San Jose Museum
of Art in California as part of the group exhibition Edge
Conditions. The lightbox in San Jose responds to fluctuations
and broader changes in outdoor light conditions in Nuku'alofa
offering a tangible connection to the future, a window quite
literally onto tomorrow.
We think of the gallery component of this artwork as a romantic
landscape, which is both minimal and monumental; a space for
contemplation, a poetic void and an experiment in time travel.
This website documents the expedition and exhibition, while
forming the basis for a lecture to be given in Winter 2006
at The National Maritime Museum, which lies on the meridian
in Greenwich, London.
It is part of a body of work we are making that explores our
relationship with simultaneous global communcications systems
and time –a series of artworks that sculpt with time
in real time.
see also;
http://www.weathergauge.net (Weather Gauge)
(Template Cinema)
Special thanks to
Robin Spence at Dynamic Displays for his work developing the
lightbox and LUX light reading device. Thanks also to Elliot
Young for maintaining the LUX light reader and transmission
software in Kingdom of Tonga and then Wellington, New Zealand
and Roger Graham at Jayex Technology for his advice developing
the technology. We are also extremely grateful to Marc Santos
and Tonfon for providing us with broadband internet in Kingdom
of Tonga.
Jon Thomson & Alison Craighead live in both London and
Kingussie. Jon is a lecturer at The Slade School of Fine Art,
University College London, while Alison is Senior Researcher
at the Centre for Art Research and Technology in Education
(CARTE) at University of Westminster. A monograph
on their work is published by Film and Video Umbrella, London
and their work is featured in Network
Art edited by Dr Tom Corby (Routledge) and Art
Time & Technology by Dr Charlie Gere (Berg publishing).
Light from Tomorrow is part of the Pacific Rim artworks at
The International Symposium of Electronic Art (ISEA 2006)
and Edge Conditions at San Jose Museum of Art. Thomson &
Craighead are also staging, Unprepared
Piano as an invited artwork at ISEA 2006.
more links;
http://www.thomson-craighead.net (Our homepage)
(Zero One Festival and ISEA 2006 homepage)
(San Jose Museum of Art)
(Dynamic Display / Robin Spence)
(Jayex Technology / Roger Graham)
(CARTE, University of Westminster)
(The Slade School of Fine Art)