In words alas drown I is a ten year long performative artwork about climate emergency and whisky... more...> |
Gas giant is the first in a series of photographic lightboxes that display rocks and pebbles found by us in the... more...> |
Like This seeks to let us re-see some of the ways we are engaging with corporate spaces marred by algorithmic... more> |
#screaming is a silent duet performed by the artists who take it in turns to scream at a camera amidst... more> |
HERE NOT HERE. A new semi-permanent documentary artwork made specially for the new UCL Student... more> |
Saffron is a documentary portrait of Kasia Pogo who runs the world food shop in Inverness' Victorian... more> |
Recruitment gone wrong. In July 2013, a National Security Agency (NSA) recruitment drive held in Wisconsin... more> |
Control Room is a generative video work that constantly reformulates archive images held in Aberdeen's Harbour... more> |
Apocalypse is a fragrance based on olfactory materials detailed in The Book Of Revelation as it appears in the King... more> |
Common era comprises sixteen predictions of the end of the world starting in 1999 with Nostradamus and concluding... more> |
Help yourself is a patch bay of thirty-two different self help affirmation audio sessions brought together under a... more> |
Another advertisers' announcement is a proposal for a billboard that refers to a series of works by JG Ballard wh... more>
Untitled (balloon work) combines inscribed gold balloons in the gallery with a short video recording the aftermath... more> |
A temporary index is an array of decorative counters that mark sites of nuclear waste storage across the world... more>
Stutterer is an instructional artwork – a poetry machine that uses the human genome like a music score to play back a... more> |
Voyager (Micromégas) is a large woodblock print transcription of the greetings message sent with the Voyager One probe... more> |
Hello World is a special commission for the newly reopening Shrewsbury Art Gallery and Museum. more> |
Corruption. Three photographic light boxes each display twelve frames taken from a corrupt video file found online. more> |
The First Person is a stream of statements taken from self help websites intercut with a video of a burning house. more> |
Broken webcams. Photographic light boxes displaying instants of broken webcams as aesthetic propositions. more> |
Six Years of Mondays is a documentary artwork about a man in the Scottish kingdom of Fife who loves the weather. more> |
Here is a custom road sign indicating how far it is from itself when pointing at the North or South pole. more> |
October is a documentary artwork about the early rise and fall of the global Occupy movement in 2011... more> |
More songs of innocence and of experience are a series of karaoke videos that take a fresh look at unsolicited spam emails... more> |
Belief is made from information found entirely on the worldwide web. In fifteen minutes, this two-screen installation presents...more> |
A live portrait of Tim Berners Lee is a drawing made from two live cameras located on opposite sides of the world... more> |
The distance
travelled... is
a poetic data visualisation of real-time statistics currently
at Harris Museum, Preston... more> |
are three versions of this work: as an online artwork;
as a live data projection for gallery installation and... more> |
London Wall is
a physical manifestation of the invisible city all around
us; a simultaneous snapshot of... more> |
The Time
Machine in alphabetical order is a complete
rendition of the 1960's film version of HG Wells
Novella re-edited by... more> |
The End is
a site-specific intervention originally made for our
solo exhibition at the Highland Institute of Contemporary... more> |
Several Interruptions collages
together online videos in which people are seen holding
their breath underwater... more> |

A Short Film
about War is a documentary made entirely from
information found on the worldwide web. In ten short
minutes.. more> |
Horizon is
a narrative clock made of images accessed in realtime
from webcams in every time zone around the world... more> |

Flipped Clock is
a modified digital clock display, where each individual
digit is rotated by 180 degrees. The result is... more> |
Flat Earth is
a desktop documentary, which takes the viewer on a seven
minute trip around the world so that we encounter... more> |

Newsfeeds (Forest Hill). There are three versions
of this work: as a gallery installation
& as two semi-permanent... more> |
In Unprepared
Piano, a Yamaha disklavier grand piano is
connected to a database of music MIDI files appropriated... more> |

Template Cinema is an online artwork where you can watch simple network movies made out of live information... more> |
Short Films
about Flying is a networked installation where
an open edition of unique cinematic works are automatically... more> |

Light from
Tomorrow centres on an expedition to The Kingdom
of Tonga, where tomorrow’s outdoor light-readings
are... more> |
In Weather
Gauge, numerical weather data from over 150
countries is simultaneously represented in a gallery... more> |

Triggerhappy is
a gallery installation whose format will be familiar
to anyone who has encountered that early arcade... more> |
Seventh. Following the success of Diminished
7th as part of Arts Transpennine 2003, we have reworked
this... more> |

Telephony allows
gallery visitors to dial into a wall based grid of 42
mobile telephones, which in turn begin to call each other... more> |
My_Contacts is
an unlikely catalogue of alter-egos, namesakes, dead
people and celebrities who all share their photographs... more> |

Short films
about Nothing is the sequel to an older work
called Short Films about Flying. It's a networked installation
where... more> |
Trooper is
a short video work where a news report taken from a CNN
webcast is both repeated and sped up... more> |

Having investigated intersections of popular belief,
new technologies and surveillance in numerous... more> |
Newsfeeds (Gallery). There are three versions
of this work: as a gallery installation
& as two semi-permanent... more> |

Newsfeeds (Cambridge). There are three versions
of this work: as a gallery installation
& as two semi-permanent... more> |
CNN Interactive
just got more interactive is a specially commissioned
gallery installation for Tate Britain's Art Now space... more> |

Shopping is
a three channel DVD installation, based on a supermarket
trolley dash organised by Take a Break Magazine... more> |
Driving throuh
Las Vegas. A single large scale projection
of a daytime drive through the main Strip in Las Vegas
provides... more> |

An recontextualization of a local news broadcast offers
a glimpse into a future ravaged by climate change... more> |
Google Tea
Towels. A beautifully crafted set of four
tea towels sporting a series of authentic search engine
results returned... more> |

Fan. A fan and television monitor are placed
on plinths in a low lit gallery space. They are at
the same level... more> |
TV Archaeology.
is a simple installation using a burnt television tube
and prepared slide projector.The slide projector... more> |

Browser Archaeology.
A playable re-creation of Atari's arcade classic, where
you find yourself trapped in a... more> |
Virtual Narcissism.
We asked and payed a go-go dancer to dance to his favourite
music on a walkman underneath a... more> |
Thalamus is
a simple user led environment designed for DATA projection
into a gallery space where the user... more> |
Ground Control was
a group project curated by Beaconsfield in London and
Jutempas in Vilnius where artists from UK... more> |
Speaking in
Tongues is a gallery-based environment examining
our relationship with narrative and dataflow invisibly... more> |
Signals. Realtime
recordings of persons using their mouse are layered ontop
of each other, divorced from their original... more> |