We asked and payed a go-go
dancer to dance to his favourite music on a walkman underneath
a mirror ball in the bedsit to Loft pseudo-gallery environment.
In the space a harshly different sound track played while
visitors watched our dancer who was also wearing goggles that
meant he could not see anyone watching while the audience
was unable to hear what he was hearing.
The event lasted for three hours and in part was an attempt
at identifying technology's ability to alter the narrative
dynamic of spaces and to illustrate the very real effects
it has on our lives. For example, radio signals are coursing
through this space as you read. At different frequencies whole
broadcast environments are there for decoding with a tuner
if we want them. |
We know they are there even
when they are not audible and we know they originate from
geographically disparate sources. The personal stereo allows
the user to overlay any audio onto what she or he is experiencing
through other senses at that time. The user is impaired but
transported to a narrative experience not possible before
this technology existed.
Similarly, while physically occupying a space the mobile phone
user can be virtually almost anywhere else. And it is these
kinds of experience where there is an interplay between the
remote and the local that is transforming our perception of
the world.... |
